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An All-Expense Paid National Trial Skills Academy
The Kelley | Uustal way of winning giant verdicts is not taught anywhere else in the world.

This is in-depth training on voir dire, opening statement and closing argument. Each topic is taught by expert trial attorneys, with active practice in our courtroom in front of jurors and evaluators.

We invite exceptional 2L’s, 3L’s and 1st, 2nd and 3rd year attorneys with the desire to be the best trial lawyers in the country to apply for Built Different: An All-Expense Paid National Trial Skills Academy.

Oct 11

Afternoon arrival at your hotel
Dinner & Discussion: The Real Life of a Trial Attorney

Oct 12

Voir Dire for Giant Verdicts: Training and Practice with
Real Jurors
Opening Statement
Cocktail party on a private Yacht on South Florida Waterway
Dinner & Discussion: Trying the Case in the Courtroom

Oct 13

Closing Argument
Complete travel
and skills package.
ju in court
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